Cracked Archive - Weird World

Cracked Archive - Find more funny stuff in Cracked s  weird world. Free funny videos, wacky articles, interesting observations, satire and wit. Laugh out loud at the comedy that didn't fit into our other sections, so it ended up in  weird world.
The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth (Part 2)

The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth (Part 2)

Whether it's due to their bizarre histories, suspicious coincidences or good ol' human insanity, these are the locations even the die-hardest of atheists wouldn't venture into without a crucifix and a Super Soaker full of Pope-blessed water.

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6 Comic Book Crossovers You Won't Believe Actually Happened

For comic nerds, the sight of two or more superheroes working together has as much attraction as the sight of two or more girls making out. In fact, given a choice the true comic book fan will probably go for the former. That doesn't always mean it'll work out for the best, though.

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The 5 Most Inspiring Things Ever Accomplished (While Drunk)

Some men shape history by accident, and some shape it by design. Some shape history by God's decree, and some shape it by sheer force of personal will. Still others shape history by drunkenly stumbling into it, urinating on it and then dancing around naked while wearing it like a hat. Those men are our heroes, and these are their tales.

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