Cracked Archive - Weird World

Cracked Archive - Find more funny stuff in Cracked s  weird world. Free funny videos, wacky articles, interesting observations, satire and wit. Laugh out loud at the comedy that didn't fit into our other sections, so it ended up in  weird world.
7 Pieces of Good News Nobody Is Reporting

7 Pieces of Good News Nobody Is Reporting

the news media has a filtering process that only lets the bad stuff through. When they do break up the monotony with something lighthearted, it's always something pointless and inconsequential, like that thing last week with the monkey that learned to fly a helicopter.

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5 Soldiers Whose Horrific Injuries Only Made Them Angry

It should come as no surprise that battlefields see their share of brave men. Every once in a while, however, they see a man with a special kind of bravery, the kind that borders on suicidal. The spirits of such men can't be cut down, even if their bodies are. In fact, disabling them often just makes them all the more fearsome

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6 Old People Who Could Kick Your Ass

Most of us who still have intact and mostly alive grandparents generally wouldn't be intimidated by them in a physical sense. Then again, most of us haven't really put that to the test (nor should we). When pushed, you might be surprised what our senior citizens have in reserve.

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